Mint Sanitary Cleaning Price List
Rates may vary based on the condition of the space and additional requests.
Scheduling is subject to availability, and rates may be lower earlier in the week.
How much does a home cleaning service cost?
The cost of a house or residential cleaning service can vary based on location, condition of the space and specific requests. Generally, a cleaning quote can be based on the size of the space plus additional add-ons or special requests. A residential space from 500-1,000 sq ft typically ranges from $220 to $320 CAD. From 1,000 sq ft to 2,500 sq ft ranges from $320 to $460 CAD. For a basic clean from 2,500 to 5,000 sq ft, prices can range from $460 to $620. More detailed cleaning options like cleaning the inside of refrigerators and ovens, window cleaning, dishwashing, and similar service. Browse our residential cleaning price list above to view a detailed breakdown of all of our cleaning prices, or contact us for a personalized quote.